Chi sono

Giusy Buccheri

Autrice e regista. Siciliana e sortinese, vivo e lavoro a Roma.
Laureata in Storia e Critica del Cinema al D.A.M.S di Bologna, ho completato la mia formazione all’estero e ho lavorato come aiuto regista in Francia e in Spagna.
Rientrata in Italia, mi sono diplomata in regia documentaria presso la scuola del Festival dei Popoli. Collaboro con produzioni italiane ed europee alla ricerca e sviluppo di soggetti documentari.


1 Responses to Chi sono

  1. Thank you Giusy this blog is a great way for the people who have ties to Sortino to know who they are, where they are and to be able to share their stories. My children when asked what is your heritage say, well our grandparents on our mother’s side are from Sicily( Sortino) but live in Melbourne, our grandparents from our father’s side are from Indonesia ( Bali), our dad in Balinese, and our mother is from Melbourne – Australia. What a mix! Sicily and Bali are both beautiful islands, so many similarities in terms of the importance of family and culture.

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